The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step


Today is the day. Today I step out to begin something I’ve wanted to do for many years, and yet never seemed to find the time to do. To actually begin this blog.

My reticence may have something to do with the fact that I have an advanced degree in procrastination. Or it may be the fact that my inner critic is very adept at distracting me from this goal because it’s scary and I may fail and people may hate it, and well, my critic’s job is to protect me. And she is very good at it. The problem is that her protection keeps me silent and invisible.

Those of you who know me may think I am anything but silent and invisible. I may live in New Mexico now, but I am a Jersey Girl at heart, having grown up and lived there for 35 years. And we Jersey Girls aren’t known for our shrinking violet qualities.

Also, I happen to be the editor of a trade magazine, have MC’d  an industry award program for 18 years and in recent years, have moderated a panel of powerful and influential women in our industry. I author numerous stories plus my editor letter in this magazine each month, and I’m visible at industry events.

I have a VOICE.

But as much as I choose to put my personal twist on my stories and integrate my voice where it is appropriate - and even bring inspiring and personal insights into my editor letter from time to time - you are reading my voice through the filter of my professional role.

I have more to share.

I’ve been humaning on this planet for 67 years. In fact, today is my birthday and I am choosing to mark this auspicious occasion by taking a chance and stepping out from behind my professional persona to present my unvarnished, vulnerable self, and make a connection with you.

This is important to me because I’ve lived through a few ups and downs in my life. It hasn’t always been easy. But what HAS made it easier have been insights, new ways of looking at things, and inspiring connections along the way. It’s been helpful to get a new perspective, and to not feel alone.

That’s what I want this blog to do. Present some things I’ve experienced or learned in a way that might help you look at a situation you’re grappling with in a fresh way, and let you know you have other companions along your path. As Ram Das said, “We’re all just walking each other home.”

Why now? A few things. One is an inspiration by and a challenge from a talented, dedicated member of my industry who I interviewed for a story recently. He too, grapples with that restrictive inner voice, and through the support of coaches, colleagues and his own tenacity, began HIS own blog earlier this year. When I shared my desire to do the same, he asked me when. He periodically checks in on my progress, and I made a commitment to him to launch a blog in earnest after the huge industry trade show that just wrapped up at the end of last month. So here we are.

The second inspiration comes from another brilliant, wise, funny, soulful, creative and successful industry friend who is a huge fan of Marcus Aurelius and the philosophy of Stoicism. One of his favorite phrases is “Memento Mori” - literally “remember death” in Latin, or “remember you will die.” Aurelius wrote in his Meditations, “ You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think.”

Personally, I hate this saying. I don’t want to be reminded of death - my own or of those I love. But at said trade show, he was talking about this, and I heard it in a new way: this phrase reminds my friend to consider what impact he will make on the world. And that captured my attention - and imagination.

I do realize we all have limited time on this planet. And I don’t want to “die with my music in me.” Especially if it might help someone else. So, it is time to begin. 

This blog is going to be an exploration, meandering through many topics, spirituality, personal growth, mental health, play, wellness, bees, anxiety, triumph, mushrooms, opinion — for starters.  And cats. Because I’ve learned a lot from cats, and I love them. Maybe not surprisingly, they inspired the spelling of the name of this blog. 

This is also a chance for me to experiment and test the waters in the service of bringing something hopefully valuable and useful to you. The title may change, the topic may change, the form may change. But I realize nothing will happen unless I begin. And so that is where we are today. Thank you for reading. Let’s start our journey together. 


  1. Happy Birthday!
    Great start for your Blog!

  2. Awesome! I look forward to taking this journey with you.

    1. Your encouragement means the world to me. Thanks for your stellar photo editing skills that took what I had in my head and put it right on the page! xo

  3. Congrats on a new journey of sharing who you are with the world! I look forward to seeing more. Happy Birthday Beloved.

  4. Congratulations Lesley. What an amazing start to your blog. Looking forward to reading more. Have ticked the 'notify' button. Love your profile photo.

    1. So I THINK I know who Janny1770 is, but not sure. Can you reveal yourself? LOL! Thanks for your kind words!!!!

  5. The part about "the filter of my professional role" really resonated with me. I look forward to reading your blog.

    1. Thanks so much for reading, Alice! I'll bet there's a lot we have in common!

  6. "I have more to share." - INDEED! And yay!

  7. Congratulations on your first orbital flight!

    1. Thank you MSO. I am discovering that part of the fun of this is trying to figure out the identity of folks who I know and communicate with all the time, but maybe not at their personal gmail accounts! LOL! Can you give me a hint of who you are?

    2. Figured it out! I know who you are now! LOL!

  8. And so it begins. I'm very excited about this gift to yourself.
    Happy birthday

  9. Your words impressed me a lot. Congratulations and Happy Birthday. Wishing you all the best.


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